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Technology and Applied Studies (TAS): History
Wooden Pieces


What do the year 7’s learn in TAS each term?

In Year 7 TAS you learn Scratch, which is a programming website that teaches you skills to both make games and play other computer games. The Year 7 students also do food technology, in which you learn about health and hygiene and learn new cooking skills. In wood technology, Year 7 students design skateboards, and after vigorous lessons of designing and planning get to make their very own skateboards. The last subject Year 7 students learn is Sketchup. In Sketchup you create two skateparks on the program.

What is your favourite thing about being a teacher at Bally?

My favourite part about being a teacher at Bally is that it is different and exciting every day.

What are your favourite things about the TAS department at Bally?

My favourite thing about the TAS department at Bally is that we get to do fun practical work throughout the week, which includes cooking delicious food, programming cool games and building working skateboards.

What got you into teaching?

Believe it or not it was because I was passionate about history when I was younger!

Why did you want to teach TAS?

I wanted to teach TAS because of my great interest in computer programming.

What was your favourite subject at school and why?

My favourite subject at school was history because it was interesting and I liked investigating.

Why should students at Bally continue DT (TAS) throughout high school?

Students at Bally should continue doing DT throughout their school lives because it teaches valuable life skills, such as problem solving, which is important to have for the rest of their life and because it’s really fun.

Four Skateboards


  1. Always complete your assignments on time – don’t leave it to the last day.

  2. Always contribute to group projects.

  3. Always try your best.

  4. Cooperate in class discussions.

  5. Don’t be afraid to ask the teacher a question when you don’t understand it.

  6. Be safe in the kitchen and listen to your teacher.

  7. Be cautious in the wood technology room and use tools carefully.

  8. Always plan your designs carefully.

  9. Always be resilient and be respectful to everyone.

  10. Have fun!



When I was introduced to TAS, I didn’t know what to expect. Our first subject was Scratch and I was really excited to learn how to code. My experience matched my expectation. However, I found that Scratch can be very challenging when you try to make more advanced games.

In TAS I have been most proud of the cooking skills I have developed in Food Tech. My favourite lesson about cooking  was making tacos. I’ve now made this dish twice for my family at home.

Overall, throughout my experiences in TAS this year I have learnt the importance of following instructions in the workshop while doing Wood Tech and Food Tech as things can go very wrong if you are not being safe. Also, I have learnt the importance of paying careful attention in class because every instruction is important. Your project might be in jeopardy if you don’t listen properly! My advice for new Year 7 students in TAS is to get out of your comfort zone, experiment with food tech dishes at home and try advanced coding.

Skateboard Wheels


I walked into G207, my face bright red and covered in sweat, after a stressful 10 minutes of trying to find the classroom. My timetable listed,

7DT2. What did this mean?Digital technology was my first thought. I also noticed that the students were different to the ones in my first class which made me even more nervous. I only recognised a few faces from my normal class which made me think, is this the right class?

“Welcome to Design and Technology,” said the teacher, who was wearing a hipster shirt and ripped jeans.

She had long, quirky blonde hair and a smooth, calm voice. I sat there blankly as the teacher explained her background as an apprentice. The 50 minute ‘period’ felt like forever! Lunch, finally!      

I walked into G207 once again for TAS. This time I felt more comfortable with my classmates and teacher. We all sat down and Miss gave us a pre-test. I was so angry, I mean this was our second lesson! However, she then explained that we weren’t expected to get everything right and it was just to see ‘where we were at.’ I convinced myself that it wasn’t going to be that hard, it’s just a pre-test! She handed out the sheet of paper and I surprisingly wasn’t overwhelmed. I breezed through the test and as I finished people were still going! This had me feeling unstoppable for any test to come.


1st period. Yay TAS, my favourite subject! I sprang into G207 and sat next to my new best friend, Tommy Straker. Miss Telford handed out an ‘assessment notification.’ She explained that we had to make two skate parks on a program called ‘Sketchup.’ Tommy was freaking out but I was confident. I love designing. After all I’ve been using ‘Paint’ since I was four. As soon as the bell rang, I jumped on the 132 to my house and opened my laptop. I downloaded Sketchup and opened the program. I expected the tools to be similar to ‘Paint’ however I was very wrong. I had no idea what I was doing. I rang Tommy.

“Were you not listening today?

She explained literally everything,” he said.

“What should I do?” I asked.

“Just go speak to Miss Telford,” he responded.

I sat at my desk helplessly. I liked Miss Telford but I didn’t know what her response would be if I asked her what to do. Would she be mad that I wasn’t listening? For the rest of the day I had no idea what to do so I decided to just play on my PlayStation and that’s what I did every afternoon after that for the rest of the term...  Besides I had plenty of time.


“DING DING” my alarm woke me at 7AM. As always, I got ready for school straight away and checked my timetable. Of course, TAS again in fourth period! I thought It was going to be just another lesson.

“Remember guys, your skateparks are due next lesson. Who is completely finished?”

The whole class raised their hand. The whole class except me.

“Don’t worry Kev. We can finish it off together,” Miss Telford’s smooth voice told me.

I didn’t even have to approach her.

“For the rest of the lesson you can work on your books.”

I felt a scared tingle down my spine. I was scared to tell her that I hadn’t even started. Miss Telford knelt down and I felt her hand on my shoulder.

“Kev, can you open your project?” I felt my stomach drop.

I quietly opened Sketchup.

“Miss, I’m sorry I haven’t actually started,” I quietly said.

“You haven’t started?” she asked sternly.

I just looked at her. I was terrified.

“Why not? You have had more than enough time to come and see me.”

She got up and went to her drawer. I saw a small white piece of paper come out. She placed the white piece of paper on my desk. It was a link to a YouTube video. I typed it in. The title read, 'BASIC SKETCHUP TUTORIAL' I smiled. I felt it was going to be ok. I watched it for the rest of the period. I really wanted to thank Miss Telford but I didn’t have the guts to approach her once again.

That afternoon, I didn’t move from my desk. I knew exactly what to do and I had to do it fast. The next day creeped closer. My hands working at pace, I was confident. I glanced over at the clock. I was shocked,  it was 11pm. I quickly submitted my work and hoped it was good enough.

The next morning, I woke up and checked if my skate park was marked. Nope. I felt good about TAS that day. It was the last TAS lesson of the term. Miss Telford let us have free time. Tommy and I were just talking about Rocket League, our favourite PS4 game. I didn’t notice Miss Telford behind us.

“I have that!” I heard her say.

Technology and Applied Studies (TAS): News
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