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At Bally Boys, there are many opportunities to participate in Extracurricular Activities. Whether you're playing a tune with the band, seeking help with your homework at the Homework Club, or honing your picture taking skills in Photography Club, there is always plenty to do outside the classroom!

Extracurricular Activities: Youth Programs


Assemblies start after your Year Meeting on Wednesdays. They inform you about important information for your year group and about evens happening around the school. The year meeting are presented by either the teachers, the principal or the school prefects. Year meetings are held after Period 1 on Wednesday. The Year 7 meeting is typically held within the gym. 

Following the year meeting, your Year 7 Advisors will guide you to the hall for the school assembly. On occasions, we have special assemblies that run longer than usual due to awards being handed out or a special guest speaker visiting the school. Assemblies start around 10:00am and finish around 10:30am and are then followed by recess. 

Stadium Concert


MAD is a performance that occurs at the end of Term 3 and involves Year 7 and Year 8 students performing music, dance, art and drama pieces for parents and the wider school community. MAD is run by the Creative Arts staff and also includes performances from elective drama and band students. MAD preparation and rehearsals start 7 weeks before the performance which is when the choir practices their songs and the band rehearses longer musical pieces.The cost of admission to watch MAD is $10 per person.


The concert band is run by the Balgowlah Boys Music teachers and rehearsals are held on Tuesday mornings from 7:30-8:45am. The concert band performs at assemblies and are also attend a winter and summer band camp. The Concert Band consists of 50 members and forms the biggest musical band at Balgowlah Boys. There are many instruments in the concert band including the trombone, trumpet, percussion, bass guitar, flute, tuba, saxophone and piano. The Concert Band has made a great name for itself within the community by performing at various local events. Band is a great opportunity for those who really love music to meet new people and perform on a regular basis.

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My experience with the Concert Band is a great one and I believe participating in Band is a key experience at Balgowlah Boys. Music is a tool that you can use in most aspects of life and is currently growing due to the diverse range of genres, instruments and the ability to create and share your music through technology. Why not start or continue your musical knowledge at Balgowlah Boys? At Balgowlah Boys, we have many dedicated musical professionals, who manage the music classes,the Concert Band and the musical performance in Term 3 called, MAD. The music teachers at Balgowlah Boys welcome you into the band and music program making the transition from primary school to high school as comfortable as possible. I know that when I came to Balgowlah Boys I found the band fun and it covered a lot of the music curriculum. Overall, the band at Balgowlah boys is a great experience for people who are just starting through to keen musicians.

Ryder (Year 7 student of 2017)

Extracurricular Activities: News & Updates
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