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Soccer Players


Physical Education (PE): Service
Basketball Dunk


Q1. Student: What do you like most about being a sport teacher at Balgowlah Boys?

Ms Duncan: It’s a lot of fun, and I think the kids get a lot of enjoyment out of participating, and I’ve got some really cool classes that just really want to get in there and learn some new sports and have a good time.

Q2. What sports are available at Balgowlah Boys?

Ms Duncan: We play a lot of indoor soccer, futsal, slide hockey, ultimate frisbee, touch, league, European handball, dance, water polo, and pretty much anything that you want on offer, we can make it happen.

Q3. Have you learnt anything from the kids at Bally?

Ms Duncan: Absolutely, I owe everything which I know in teaching to the boys at school from when I first started here and the school being a very, very different place and I learnt a lot about myself and how to teach boys by not being very strict and really forceful. It’s understanding their needs and adapting towards that, so I think that definitely working at this school and learning from the students has been the way.

Q4. What are the sport facilities like at Bally?

Ms Duncan: Yeah pretty good, we’ve got our quad which is astro turfed, a soccer field which can also be made into the touch field, there’s also a mini futsal pitch, three basketball rings and we just had our gym resurfaced so it’s not super slippery anymore all the lines are redone. Also, if we need to do athletics we can go across the road to Sydney road oval. Pretty good, we’ve also got a second basketball court down the bottom so there’s plenty of areas to play

Q5. What level of performance do you expect from the students that play sport?

Ms Duncan: There is a level for everyone at Balgowlah, so I think at Balgowlah our motto is ‘By Effort we Achieve’ so even for students that don’t love P.E. we just want people to get in and have a go, so if it’s not your thing, don’t stress about but then there is also that, you know, performing for the school at the state level

Q6. Do the students get to learn any new sports at P.E.?

Ms Duncan: Yeah definitely, just last week I taught my year sevens how to play slider hockey which is a brand-new game which we all just learnt. We also have brought European handball and ultimate frisbee into the fold. There’s the opportunity potentially to do some BMX riding for sport and you know, rock climbing so we’re really trying to diversify it for everyone.

Thanks for talking to us.



1. Make sure you remember your sport uniform otherwise you will not be able to participate in the lesson
2. Show respect to teacher because they are the ones who determine what sport you will play in your lesson.
3. Be enthusiastic in every sport because you never know what you may like or not.
4. Be sure to get back in to your school uniform when you have finished your lesson.
5. Include everyone in team sports so that the whole class can have a fun time.
6. Abide by the Bally code of conduct: respect, responsibility and aim for excellence.
7-Always listen to the teacher’s instructions because if you are doing a dangerous sport (e.g., shot put) you could really easily hurt yourself or someone else.
8. Always treat the sports gear with care as it is valuable.
9. Put your hand up when asking a question, don’t call out.
10. Don’t talk when the teacher or someone else in the class is speaking.

Soccer Stadium


I woke up on my first day of Year 7 and was eager to get to school and not miss out on any of the information given to us by our Year Advisors. Once I had made it to school I found some of my primary school friends and sat down with them and as the presentations began.


The presentations took a while so that got us to 4th period which coincidently was PE. We walked out onto the quadrangle and got split up into teams to play soccer. turns out we were winning the games. After that our teacher took us into the gym and we got to play basketball. My team had a huge advantage against the other teams because we had the tallest kid in the year, Tony on our side. We started to smash the other teams but by the end we had to give some of the other teams a chance to win but that didn’t last for long. We ended up winning out of the whole class.


Things seemed normal right but turns out our day was about to get a whole lot worse. By the time we’ve figured out that we were good as a team we already had an invitation in our hand to go play in the monster league. We all looked at each other puzzled trying to figure out what the invitation is about but before we knew it we were getting dragged towards a slimy, rusty, decomposing bus with what seemed to be a mutated fish as a driver still wet as if he’d just been pulled from the ocean. As soon as we got onto the bus the person or thing that dragged us to the bus started telling where to sit because there were already other beings seated. he told us to sit relatively near the back and not to say a word. As soon as the being sat down the bus’s door slammed shut and with a hiss the bus departed.

Before we knew it there was a fiery film started to engulf the bus as we neared sixty kilometres an hour there was a cacophony of mechanical sounds as the bus driver pulled a lever the bus shoot forward our team goes flying into the back of their seats as if stuck to by super glue, whilst the rest of the bus occupants seemed completely normal of the abnormal speed. When we hit optimal vortex speed to cross over the fire wall to get to the other dimension to the monster leagues stadium where the championship will be held.

Soon the fire wall had engulfed us fully all we could see was a fiery mess out the poo streaked window. The monster games were going to begin soon. When we walked out of the bus we saw a giant silver sphere floating in the mid-air. There was nothing around it, just the dead desert and the long, straight road going to the horizon.  

When we walked around the sphere I began to wonder, how do we get inside? It has no doors and is floating about thirty metres above the ground, but the person or thing that dragged us into the bus, took a big disgusting button, partly filled with pieces of something at the edges out of his pocket and pressed it with his short, dirty finger. At that moment the world became blurry and at the next second we stood in the the middle of a basketball court. There was a huge crowd sitting at grand stand. They were yelling and cheering for us, as I heard a loud whistle, and the game began. I stood in the middle of a jump ball circle with a giant by my side and a referee ready to throw the ball in the air. I saw him do it, I jumped.

Rock Climbing Indoors


PE has been more than I expected this year due to the amount of sports you can try out in class and on Wednesday sport. We get a wide variety of sports to choose from for Wednesday sport, ranging from graded soccer through to rock climbing.


During PE lessons you learn how to play sports you might not even be interested in, such as frisbee. A challenge I encountered in PE was the extra sports that I haven’t learnt much about yet, such as javelin. I found this sport personally tricky because I’m very uncoordinated and the way you had to grip it just felt very strange.


One of the most valuable lessons in PE is to get involved as it is much more fun and also great for your health and fitness now and in the future!

Physical Education (PE): News
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