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Science: Our Programs


Interview with Mr Katz- Science Teacher 


What is your favourite thing about teaching Science? 


My favourite thing about teaching Science is that it covers a wide range of topics, and there is the perfect blend of theoretical and practical activities available in every year here at Bally. The boys here are absolutely fabulous to work with and they really embrace the subject. Overall, Science is just a fascinating subject, and, although I may be a little bit bias, is one of the best subjects we offer here at Bally Boys.

What can a new Year 7 student look forward to as they start Science in High School? 

There is so much going on in a Science class in Year 7. We study about 10 different topics throughout the year, and look at the different branches of Science including chemistry, geology, biology and physics. Specific topics range from the solar system, to matter, to cells. There are a range of practical activities you get to complete in class too and you are able to experiment with all kinds of different things. 


What are some of the rules and procedures you enforce in your classroom? 


Safety is obviously a very important part of Science in High School as there is a very large portion of practical work. Students work with chemicals, bunsen burners and other things which can cause harm if used incorrectly. It is so important to listen and follow all the instructions from your teacher and really pay attention to the things around you. For all practical experiments, safety equipment will be provided to all students, and you must also ensure that you always wear leather, enclosed shoes when entering the science lab, otherwise you will be unable to participate in the fun!


What can students look forward to in the Senior Years of school?


In Years 11 and 12, the Science subjects become a little more specific and focus on only one area of Science. At Bally, we offer Physics, Chemistry and Biology as stand alone subjects that really focus on those areas only. There is also another subject called Senior Science, which is a blend of the other three subjects and gives you a little taste of everything. What's great about Science in Years 11 and 12 at Bally is that you can really choose a branch of science that best suits you. Every option is very unique and hands-on. 


What is the best piece of advice you could give a new Year 7 student about to start Science? 


It may sound a little cliche, but just have fun! One of the best things about Science is how hands-on the subject is and there is always something going on. It's important to come into every class with a open mind and work hard. Complete all your class and home work and study hard for any test. I guess the best piece of advice I could give is those who work hard and come in with a positive attitude will always be rewarded, so come in and give it everything you've got. 


You have also been a Year 7 Year Adviser this year. Could you tell us a little about that? 


I have really enjoyed my role as Year 7 Adviser for 2017. It has given me an amazing opportunity to act as a role model for the boys and provide them with the guidance necessary to help the transition into High School. The best thing about this role is getting to know all the students in your grade and organise many of the events throughout the year. My role as Year Adviser has provided me with countless tools and strategies that I will carry through the rest of my professional teaching career. 

Thanks so much for your time!




1. Do your homework early so you don’t forget and leave it until it is too late to hand in on time.
2. Plan study time into your daily/weekly schedule.
3. Cooperate with your peers and teachers.
4. Follow safety instructions, as you may be working with science equipment and tools.
5. Bring your laptop to every science lesson, as you will be using it in most lessons. 
6. Don’t stress when tests come up, just do your best.
7. Follow instructions from the teacher to make sure you get the most out of each lesson.
8. Try to sit towards the front of the classroom, so you can participate more in the lessons.
9. Get into a routine as it will help you with your organisation. 
10. Try your best to not be late for class.


Science is an important subject because it teaches you how the world works and exposes you to the diversity of our vast universe. Our science lessons are extremely interesting as we often get to use practical equipment, such as the Bunsen burner, to run experiments. On the first lesson we were taught to use the bunsen burner, my friends and I filmed the flame in action as it was a new experience for us. We learnt interesting things about the Bunsen burner like the fact that there are two flames. I am looking forward to running more advanced science experiments in my future years at Bally.

Lucas (Year 7 student of 2017)

Science: News
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